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Products that work for you
Call +44 (0) 20 3771 7227 or email George.Taylor@ThinkPublishing.co.uk
Standard Listing £500
• 28 day job listing • Company logo • Company profile page
Enhanced Listing £550
• 28 day job listing, including logo and company profile page • Auto refreshed every 14 days • ‘Featured Job’ - job listing is highlighted and features on the homepage in rotation with other ‘Featured’ jobs. Job appears above ’Standard’ listings in search results • ‘Featured Recruiter’ - company is promoted on the homepage in rotation with other ‘Featured’ recruiters • Targeted emails - job included in regular job alerts to relevant 'opted-in' candidates
Premium Listing £600
• 28 day job listing, including logo and company profile page • Auto refreshed every 7 days • ‘Boosted Job’ - job listing is highlighted and features on the homepage. Job appears at the top of all relevant search results ahead of all ’Standard’ and ‘Enhanced’ listings • ‘Featured Recruiter’ - company is promoted on the homepage in rotation with other ‘Featured’ recruiters • Targeted emails - job included in regular job alerts to relevant 'opted-in' candidates
Special Package £795
• 45-day job listing, including logo and company profile page • Auto-refreshed every 7 days • ‘Boosted Job’ - job listing is highlighted and features on the homepage. Job appears at the top of all relevant search results ahead of all ’Standard’ and ‘Enhanced’ listings • Promoted in a prime MPU banner position on the homepage in rotation with other select recruiters • ‘Featured Recruiter’ - company is promoted on the homepage in rotation with other ‘Featured’ recruiters • Targeted emails - job included in regular job alerts to relevant ‘opted-in’ candidates • Solus targeted emails - 2 x emails exclusively featuring your job sent to a fully ‘opted-in’ database of candidates targeted by sector, specialism and location
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Boost your employer brand message with our banner advertising opportunities
Leaderboard Advertising £525 (28 days)
Banner (728px x 90px) linking to your website or to your live vacancies on IMarEST Marine Jobs. Displayed in rotation with other Leaderboard banner advertisers
MPU Advertising £425 (28 days)
Medium-sized (300px x 250px) rectangular advert linking to your website or your live vacancies on IMarEST Marine Jobs. Displayed between job listing search results in rotation with other MPU banner advertisers
Please speak to the team to discuss bespoke opportunities that are not listed here.
Call +44 (0)20 3771 7237 or email George.Taylor@ThinkPublishing.co.uk
Advertising agency commission 10%
Prices subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.
Prices effective from 1st May 2024